Lisa Estridge in Sister Act (Mark Kitaoka) |
At least five world premieres are opening this month. That’s
an impressive number! Look for puppetry and programming for the youngest
audience member to the oldest. Find a company you’ve never been to before and
take a chance on their work! Broaden your artistic horizon. Get outcher
Last Days of the Tsars, Witness,
3/1/20-3/22/20 (at Stimson-Green Mansion) (world premiere)
A fully immersive experience, Last Days of the Tsars
will plunge the audience into Imperial Russia circa 1917. Surrounded by figures
such as Tsar Nicholas II, Princess Anastasia, and Grigori Rasputin, audience
members will be free to roam throughout Stimson-Green Mansion and follow
whichever characters they please. Watch the unraveling of the Romanov household
from an intimate vantage point, and explore the dark and mystical final days of
the Russian Empire.
The Highest Tide, Harlequin Productions,
The beach talks to Miles O’Malley. Obsessed with all things
aquatic, 13-year-old, stature-challenged Miles loves combing the tidal beaches
near his Puget Sound home in the middle of the night. When one of his
discoveries lands him unexpectedly in the news, he is launched into involuntary
celebrity, shaking his world in a way that is only topped by the Nisqually
Ugly (Black Queer Zoo), Washington Ensemble
Theatre, 3/5-16/20
GUSH is WET’s series that presents contemporary theatrical
works from artists outside of Seattle, curated by the Ensemble. Written,
directed, and performed by the internationally recognized choreographer Raja
Feather Kelly, this event is part dance theater and part pop culture collage about
black queer subjectivity in the mainstream.