
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Funny, Fierce, Fabulous Production of “Vietgone”

(4 of 5 members of) The Cast of Vietgone (photo by Giao Nguyen)
Pork Filled Productions and SiS Productions
At Theatre Off Jackson
Through August 24, 2024
For a relatively small-sized set of companies to take on plays that challenge every part of a production – sets, casting, size of stage, ability to fund it, marketing – and pull it off so that everyone can be happy and proud of the achievement is a big deal. Pork Filled Productions and SiS Productions are two mighty, tiny companies that attempt such work. Their production of Vietgone is this kind of mighty effort and a huge “win” for our community because they have gifted us with the ability to see this play in person, again.
Seattle Rep produced this play for us at the end of 2016. Having had the great experience of seeing that script live, I want to make sure everyone knows to try to get tickets for closing weekend! Fill those seats, folks. You won’t be disappointed!