Cast of The Mystery of Love & Sex (Chris Bennion) |
The Mystery of Love
& Sex
ACT Theatre
Through June 26, 2016
The Mystery of Love
& Sex, the new play at ACT Theatre, ought to be buried and never done
again anywhere. At least for the Greater Seattle area. Or at least for LGBT
My opinion is not because playwright Bathsheba Doran is a
bad writer, because there are some very good jokes in the play, and you can
hear that there is a good writer in there somewhere. But the script is
presented as if it is something new and different and edgy, and in fact it is
dated and appallingly unaware of how retro and unattractive its sentiments are
about growing up and coming out Gay, and the supposed daringness of people now
in their early twenties to be able to get along across racial lines! “WHAT? How
CAN they?”
It’s clear that white, older, liberal Seattle will eat this
tepid dish up. The audience loved it. But it’s a pretty fair bet that they
don’t know how easy it is for young folks these days to talk about maybe being
Gay or Bi or even Trans, and as far as having friends from different racial
backgrounds, that’s almost not even something they talk about! Some probably barely notice!