Sunam Ellis and Dedra Woods in The Revolutionists (John McLellan) |
The Revolutionists
Through February 9, 2020
ArtsWest is presenting Lauren Gunderson’s play, The Revolutionists.
We’re in 1793 and France is in complete turmoil! The Revolution has turned into
a free-for-all of executions (by guillotine, of course) of royalty and those
who support them. The Jacobins are in power and the Girondins are against them.
“People power” is generally what the populace wants, but how to get there is an
open question.
Journalist Jean-Paul Marat has stirred up the populace with
his rhetoric. Charlotte Corday (Hannah Mootz) decides he is an integral
part of the power structure and if he dies then those fomenting the violence
might significantly weaken. She determines to gain entry to his bath by pretense
and to knife him there.
Olympe de Gouges (Sunam Ellis) is a playwright and
activist who championed Haitians fighting for freedom from the colonialism of
France. She wrote plays on the slave trade, divorce, marriage, debtors'
prisons, children's rights, and government work schemes for the unemployed. As
a playwright, she often was in the vanguard, writing political works on
contemporary controversies.