Lady Rizo as the Red Queen (Alan Alabastro) |
Welcome to Wonderland
Teatro Zinzanni
Through February 26, 2017
An inventive new storyline is now playing at Teatro
Zinzanni. They’ve chosen an Alice in
Wonderland theme for their newest dinner/show and in a Zinzanni kind of
way, they keep the magical and mystical flavor of that story, as well.
Economics has clearly put some pressure on the speigeltent
folks. They’ve apparently realized that it’s enormously expensive to change all
the characters and themes every three months and have decided to elongate the
run of a show. That is simply smart, and it also allows for more thinking and
planning and a smarter execution of a concept.
In this adorable show, Lewis and Carol (get it?), a sweet
couple of innocence, get lost in Wonderland and find themselves separated while
the Red Queen Rizo tries to cut off their heads. Of course there is the
ubiquitous “just missing them” routine, and this Queen is not so hard-hearted that
she won’t stop to let people eat soup or supper.